
Woman with tired painful and spider varicose veins

Is it time to be concerned about your varicose veins?

You may not be happy with how your varicose veins look, but there are other reasons to treat them besides just cosmetic concerns. Leaving varicose veins untreated can be dangerous to your health. Read on for some signs that it is time to treat those varicose veins. What are varicose veins? Varicose veins occur when your circulatory ...
Happy elderly woman running along a beach with her golden retriever at the morning

Tips for Improving Your Blood Circulation

Has your doctor warned you that you have poor circulation? Or maybe you can just tell without a formal diagnosis, because of the constant muscle cramps, throbbing, swelling, tingling, numbness, painful varicose veins, and always-cold toes and fingers. Of course, your doctor can help you to ensure your blood circulation is healthy – but that doesn’t ...

Can you treat unsightly veins while breastfeeding?

Pregnancy does so much to a woman’s body, but one change you may not expect to see is varicose or spider veins. You have been through pregnancy and you have been through childbirth – breastfeeding is the next challenge for you and your body. Is it safe to do something about those veins while you ...
Woman with painful varicose veins on legs resting on a walk through nature.

8+ Things You Should Know About Varicose and Spider Veins

You’re not alone if you have started to notice that you have spider or varicose veins. It is a very common condition that affects millions of Americans. You may be concerned that they are unsightly – but are they dangerous? Read on for 8+ things you should know about spider and varicose veins! Varicose and spider ...
Varicose veins on the womans legs

Traveling Safely With Varicose Veins

Now that it is vacation season, are you itching to get out of the house and are you ready for some adventure? Traveling is great for so many reasons – but if you have varicose veins you need to take special care of yourself while traveling. Read on for some tips about how to stay healthy while ...
Woman at home with varicose veins.

7 Signs of Poor Blood Circulation

As you probably know, having a circulatory system that functions properly is a very important part of staying healthy. However, you probably don't put much thought into your circulatory system until something goes wrong with it. Ideally, problems can be caught before they become too serious – here are 7 signs that you may be ...
dressing a patients wound.

When should you see a doctor about a wound?

The human body really is amazing. Take, for instance, how it rushes to heal itself after it has been wounded. However, there are times when even the human body can’t do it on its own – there are some cases when you should see a doctor to get help for a wound. Read on for some ...
Man Putting On Medical Compression Stockings On Legs

Do men get varicose veins?

The answer to this question is yes they do – but much less often than women do. It is estimated that 1 in 3 American women have varicose veins, but only 1 in 10 men do. So why are women more likely to have varicose veins? What causes varicose veins? In both men and women, varicose ...
Health heart diet food concept with blood pressure gauge

Foods to Eat for Circulatory System Health

hutterstock 779595874 There are no doubt foods that you just can’t eat (like spicy Thai food) and foods you just shouldn’t eat (like that second piece of chocolate cake). And, of course, there are also foods you can eat to stay healthy, and foods you know you should avoid. If you have a history of vascular ...
doctor treating the woman's varicoses

What You Should Know About Sclerotherapy

Spider veins are those “web-like” clusters of veins that are visible just beneath the skin of the face and legs. Although they aren’t harmful to your health, they are unsightly and can cause discomfort. Sclerotherapy offers a solution to spider veins, and there are many benefits to this procedure. 9 things you should know about sclerotherapy: 1. ...


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